Project Sponsors
This project was made possible by the very generous support of an anonymous donor and
Project Supporters
Pulling together a project of this size takes a lot of work. The help of Jayme Nelson, Katherine Hill and Kathryn Wagner from Inside Education was invaluable. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!
Project Team
AC Atienza, Brendan Bate, Shannon Smithwick, Steff Stephansson, Kaleigh Watson, Andrew Wilson.

Water scarcity is a term which is not well defined and means different things in different places and at different times. In general terms, “water scarcity”, also known as “water shortage” and “drought”, occurs when the demand for water in an area is greater than the available supply or when the water’s poor quality restricts its use.
Note that “drought” has several definitions which we discuss here. Because of the many possible types of “drought”, the longer “water scarcity” or “water shortage” terms tend to be used by water quantity specialists.
The mismatch of demand exceeding supply can result from both the supply side and the demand side.
- Supply side challenges can result from issues such as reduced precipitation (i.e. less rain/snow), loss of a water source (e.g. drying up of an aquifer) or pollution contaminating a water source.
- Demand side challenges can result from a growing population, increased agricultural and industrial demands, and inefficient water use (e.g. leaks from aging water distribution infrastructure).
Water shortages can lead to significant problems, such as health hazards, crop failure, food shortages, communal conflict over water use and reduced economic activity. This article will look at ways in which water scarcity can be addressed.
Changing water supply
Increasing the supply of water is usually very difficult or very expensive or both. So, if the supply cannot be easily increased, the only other option is to use the existing supply more efficiently. There are many proactive measures communities can take to improve their use of the available water.
Add water storage
As discussed above, a water shortage occurs when water demand exceeds supply. One approach then, is to add more storage in the cases where supply sometimes exceeds demand so that the “excess supply” (e.g. spring run-off) is preserved for later use in a drier period (e.g. late summer). This can happen in several ways:
Home rain storage
Installing rain-water barrels means that rain that would normally flow off the property is captured on the property and can be used on the property later. This approach has benefits beyond simply storing free water for later use. For example, capturing rainfall on the property will reduce the flows in community stormwater systems and can help reduce community flooding [1].

Storage dams
While “build a dam” seems to be an obvious answer to water shortage, like many things it is not that simple. We have much more content on dams here and here but some initial issues to be considered are:
- Is there a space suitable for building a dam?
- Are the expected precipitation and river flows going to be sufficient to fill the reservoir now and in the future?
- How much water will the new reservoir lose to evaporation? What effect will the future warmer temperatures expected under climate change have on the evaporative loss of the dam?
- What will be the effect of the new reservoir on local and downstream communities and ecosystems?
Aquifer recharge
We have written more about Managed Aquifer Recharge here but the basic point is that it may be possible to deliberately use aquifers to store water for later use. Whether this is a viable approach for any given community will depend on the local aquifers. Which, in turn, means that those aquifers need to be researched and well understood.
Treat more water
Most water requires some treatment to make it safe for human consumption. If there are available sources of non-potable water, it may be possible to treat that water. An extreme example of this is desalination for coastal communities. While this will produce potable water, that water comes at a very high energy cost. It is estimated that desalination uses 26% of the world’s total energy used in the water sector [2] (p.68). Aside from the energy cost of treatment, there is a significant financial cost which leads to something called the “water-prosperity paradox”: while safe, accessible water and sanitation fosters prosperity, providing that safe, accessible water requires prosperity [3] (p.148). So, while it may be technically possible to improve and upgrade the water supply plants, the community may not be able to afford the upgrades, or the subsequent cost of the treated water, or have the skills to continue operating the treatment plants over the long term.
It must be noted that safe potable water is not universally accessible here in Canada nor in the rest of the world. For example, Canada had 28 long-term boil-water advisories in 26 First Nation reserve communities as of January 2024 [4]. Globally, in 2023 it was estimated that 26% of the global population did not have access to safe drinking water [5].
Reduce run-off, loss
We’ve written much more here about using “green infrastructure” to reduce run-off. However, the key point is that several benefits result from slowing down surface run-off and using things such as bioswales and wetlands:
- The rain water has more opportunity to penetrate into the ground and provide moisture to plant roots and to recharge aquifers for possible future use.
- As with property rain barrels, slowing down the run-off reduces the pressure on community stormwater systems and helps mitigate the smaller, more-frequent floods.
- Local ecosystems will benefit from the additional moisture which may in turn result in many benefits ranging from “cultural” (e.g. recreation) to “maintenance” (e.g. water quality improvements, improved air quality) to “provisioning” (e.g. traditional medicinal resources, food supply) [6].
Addressing water scarcity involves improving water management practices, investing in infrastructure to treat and recycle water, and adopting policies that promote water conservation and sustainable use.
Changing water demand
If it is not always possible to increase the supply, it may be possible to reduce the demand for water. In extreme cases, this can be done through approaches such as water rationing but there are many other options, too.
Maintain and upgrade infrastructure
Encourage community members, businesses, and industries to reduce their demand through simple actions such as fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and practicing maximally efficient irrigation techniques.
Leaks in water distribution systems can consume a startling percentage of the water being produced by treatment plants (e.g. Johannesburg, South Africa, is thought to leak 25% of the water passing through its distribution network [7] which is a significant factor in the frequent supply interruptions [8].)
Implement Water Conservation Measures
Irrigation agriculture can improve its water efficiency by changing the way it irrigates. Irrigators talk about “field application efficiency” which refers to the percentage of water applied in the field that is used effectively by the plants. The following table shows varying levels of “field application efficiency” for different irrigation methods.
Irrigation methods | Field application efficiency |
Surface irrigation (border, furrow, basin) | 60% |
Sprinkler irrigation | 75% |
Drip irrigation | 90% |
Changing to, say, “drip irrigation” from “surface irrigation” allows for the same amount of water to reach the plants’ roots while overall reducing the amount of water that is needed for the crop. An alternative approach, of course, may be to change crops from crops requiring high volumes of water to crops requiring low volumes [10].
In urban areas, water restrictions are used to reduce daily per capita water consumption [11]. People may be encouraged to reduce their personal consumption through measures such as taking shorter showers, changing how they wash dishes, etc. Greater re-use or recycling of water can also be used to reduce water withdrawals and reduce demand.

Similarly, industry may be able to reduce its water consumption through changed practices and greater re-use of water. The concept of “water-use efficiency” [12] is defined as the ratio of dollar value added (i.e. how much additional value is produced from the water – think of an irrigated versus non-irrigated farmer’s field) to the volume of water used. This provides an economic measure of how efficiently water is being used. The measure is one the indicators used to monitor progress on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. Although the data set is based on 86 countries and is, therefore, not complete, in the 2015-2018 period, water-use efficiency increased 9% with a 15% increase in the industrial sector [13]. The increased efficiency is an encouraging sign of the potential for future water conservation.
Price incentives
One method of reducing demand is to use the price for water to impose costs on users of that water and so discourage inefficient or wasteful use of water. An argument is sometimes made that water should be free. While it is true that some water falls from the sky and is free, the treatment to ensure the water is safe to drink, storage and distribution of water comes with costs [14]. Water prices are generally subsidised and there are very few jurisdictions where the full economic and environmental cost of water is covered by its price ([15], p.22).
Access to water and sanitation is considered a human right [16]. Setting the price for water in a way which recognizes that right and does not exclude the poorest in society while also discouraging wasteful use of water can be challenging. There are various pricing structures and charges which can be implemented to achieve this. For example [17]:
- Abstraction charges are charges intended to cover, at least partially, the cost of extracting the water. Such charges are likely to be higher for groundwater than surface water.
- Pollution charges can be attached to disposal of the water after use and can be imposed in various ways such as for the nature of the pollutant, the volume of the effluent and the destination of the discharge.
- Wastewater charges are increasingly being levied as a separate charge on the end user.
- Tariff charges are the costs per given volume of water. One approach is “block pricing” in which the price per, say, cubic metre of water ($/m3), varies according to the total volume used. “Ascending blocks” means the $/m3 increases as consumption increases and passes specified total volume thresholds [18]. One possible downside of such an approach is that large families may end up paying more per person than small families. “Descending blocks” has the price trend reversed where increased consumption results in lower $/m3 rates (e.g. Toronto water rates [19]).

Remove thirsty invasive species
Native plants are adapted to the local conditions but, in some areas, non-native species have been introduced which require more water than the indigenous plants. Removing such plants and restoring the indigenous vegetation can support reduce water demand (by up to 16% in one source) and support water conservation efforts [20] (p.12).
Switch to less thirsty crops

Similarly to the concept above, it may be possible for agriculture to switch to crops requiring less water. For example, recent studies suggest that switching to lower water intensity crop types in California’s Central Valley could reduce consumption by up to 93% [21]. Such switching may, of course, come with other challenges such as reduced profitability for the farmer.
Collaborative and Integrated Water Management
Water is a limited resource, with many stakeholders, including the environment and ecosystem. If a water shortage is to be managed effectively, there needs to be collaboration among stakeholders, including government agencies, local communities, industries, and environmental organizations, to develop integrated water resource management plans that balance human needs with ecosystem protection [22], [23]. This is a process that requires a lot of time, genuine commitment from the participants and, ideally, mutual trust built on successful, meaningful cooperation.
Community Education and Awareness Programs
It is important to educate community members and industry about the importance of water conservation and ecosystem protection. Awareness campaigns (e.g. Calgary’s 2024 drought planning) can encourage water-saving behaviours and support for conservation policies while also raising awareness of the issue [24].
Ecosystem implications
Ecosystems evolve and adapt to the typically prevailing conditions. If those conditions abruptly change, there are likely to be significant ecosystem challenges. Water shortage is likely to have the following consequences:
Habitat Loss and fragmentation
Reduced water availability can lead to the drying up of wetlands, rivers, and streams, resulting in the loss of crucial habitats for aquatic and terrestrial species. Low water levels and altered flow patterns can disrupt aquatic ecosystems [25], leading to changes in water temperature, dissolved oxygen levels, and nutrient concentrations, which can negatively impact aquatic life resulting in events such as fish kills [26].
Reduced water flow can create barriers to the migration of fish and other aquatic-dependant species, hindering their ability to reach spawning grounds and access essential habitats including migratory bird breeding and staging areas. Fragmentation of aquatic habitats due to decreased water availability can isolate populations of species, reducing genetic diversity and increasing the vulnerability of species to extinction [27].

Increased Competition for Resources
During water shortages, competition for limited water resources intensifies among different users, including humans, wildlife, and agriculture, leading to conflicts and potential ecological imbalance. Prolonged water shortages can result in the collapse of entire ecosystems, leading to cascading effects on dependent species and disrupting ecological processes essential for ecosystem functioning.
Water shortages are some of the most challenging natural crises to address. Life and many economic activities require water and so, when there is a shortage of water, urgent action is required. However, dealing with water shortages is not simple as it usually requires long-term planning, extensive consultation with the many stakeholders who will often have very varied perspectives and changes in practices. With water being so essential to so many life-supporting requirements, a drop in the normally available supply of water can start a cascade of life-altering changes in the environment and the economy.
Call to action
- Become aware of where your water comes from.
Is it coming from renewable sources (e.g. rivers) or groundwater? - Become aware of the water you use.
How much are you using? What are you using it for? - Become aware of the water being used in your community.
How is water being used in your community? Who/what is the biggest user? - Become aware of the water that is being wasted.
Are you, personally, wasting water? Is your community wasting water? - Become aware of how waste water is managed.
Where does the water go when you’ve finished with it? Is it treated before being released into the environment? Is any of it re-used?
Potential education approaches to teaching children about water scarcity
Water Conservation Experiments
Conduct simple experiments to show how much water is used in everyday activities, like brushing teeth or taking a shower, and compare it with the amount of water available in different parts of the world.
Water Usage Diary
Have children keep a diary of their water usage for a week. This can include tracking how much water they use for drinking, bathing, and other activities.
Rainwater Harvesting Project
Create a small rainwater harvesting system at home or school and show children how collected rainwater can be used for plants or other purposes.
Gardening Projects
- Involve children in gardening projects that use water-efficient methods, such as drip irrigation or using drought-resistant plants.
- Simulate different irrigation methods (e.g. flood versus drip) to compare outcomes (plant growth) against the amount of water used.
Field Trips
Organize visits to local water treatment plants, reservoirs, or conservation areas to give children a firsthand look at how water is managed and conserved.
Community Clean-ups
Participate in or organize community clean-up events near rivers, lakes, or beaches to highlight the importance of keeping water sources clean.
Arts and Crafts Projects
Encourage children to create posters, drawings, or models that depict the importance of water conservation.
Classroom Discussions
Facilitate classroom discussions about the causes and effects of water scarcity and encourage children to share their ideas on how to conserve water.
Reflection Journals
Have students maintain reflection journals where they write about what they have learned about
Simulations and Virtual Tours
Use simulations (e.g. Aquation: The Freshwater Access Game | Smithsonian Science Education Center (si.edu)) and virtual tours to show the impact of water scarcity in different parts of the world and how technology can help in water management.
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