Water Pollution


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This project was made possible by the very generous support of an anonymous donor and

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Pulling together a project of this size takes a lot of work. The help of Jayme Nelson, Katherine Hill and Kathryn Wagner from Inside Education was invaluable. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!

Project Team

AC Atienza, Brendan Bate, Shannon Smithwick, Steff Stephansson, Kaleigh Watson, Andrew Wilson.

AI generated "photograph" of a lake with clear water on the left, plastic polluted water on the right.
Water pollution. Image generated by Firefly AI.

Water pollution is something that is sometimes obvious:  think of plastic bags floating in a river or an oil slick spreading out across a lake.   However, perhaps more dangerously, pollution can also be invisible:  think of chemicals being released from industrial sites into rivers and streams.

There is a great deal of credible and detailed information already available on the internet and there is little point in trying to replicate that here.    This  article will  provide an overview of water pollution and some related issues.   More information is available via the references if you choose to dive deeper into the topic.

A diagram showing various sources of water pollution in a watershed: forestry, factories, agriculture, urban areas, water treatment plants.
Sources of Water Pollution. Source: US Government Accountability Office.

How is water pollution defined?

As defined by Encyclopaedia Britannica, “pollution” is defined as “the addition of any substance … energy … to the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed, recycled or stored in some harmless form [1].   “Water pollution” is, obviously, more narrowly defined as the release of substances or energy into a water body at a rate that the release “interfere[s] with beneficial use of the water or with natural functioning of ecosystems” [2].  

Where does it come from?

A illustration showing point (e.g. factory) and non-point (e.g. farm field) sources of pollution.
Point vs Non-point Pollution Sources. Source: Mississippi Department Of Environmental Quality (MDEQ).

Pollution is often thought of as anthropogenic (i.e. human caused) but, technically, pollutants can also come from natural sources such as minerals leaching from the ground through which the water travels [3].

Pollution is also classified into “point source” and “non-point source”.   As the terms suggest, point source pollution is used when the source is a single identifiable source such as a factory.   Non-point source pollution, on the other hand, is pollution which cannot be pinned to a single source and arises from a large area such as urban run-off [4] or airborne pollutants falling from the air.

What are the effects of water pollution on communities?

Health Hazards

Pollutants such as heavy metals [5], chemicals , and pathogens (e.g. blue-green algae) can contaminate drinking water sources.   Drinking polluted water may lead to diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and other gastrointestinal issues.   A 2022 report estimates that water pollution is responsible for 1.4 million deaths annually [6].   More broadly, it is estimated that over 2.2 billion people globally do not have access to safely managed drinking water [7].

Recreational use of polluted water (e.g. swimming) can also lead to illnesses such as skin rashes, respiratory infections, and other illnesses.   Advisories about blue-green algae, for example, warn people to avoid all contact with the water and note that boiling water from water polluted with blue-green algae will not remove the toxins [8].

Economic effects

Medical costs

Waterborne diseases from pollution can lead to higher healthcare costs for individuals and governments.   Treating such illnesses can impose significant financial burdens on communities, especially in Lower and Middle Income Countries which often  lack water treatment capacity [9] and may also offer limited access to healthcare [10].

Loss of income

Communities relying on fishing or tourism can suffer economically as polluted waters deplete fish stocks and deter tourists (e.g. Antigua & Barbuda [11]).   Such losses can result directly from costs such as repairing pollution-caused damage to equipment or reduced earnings because tourists are deterred from visiting polluted areas.   There may also be related indirect costs such as the costs of cleaning up the pollution or lost investment opportunities.

Social disruption

Decreased food security

Pollutants can accumulate in and on fish and crops irrigated with polluted water, posing health risks to consumers (e.g. “blue baby syndrome” in infants from nitrates and organophosphate accumulation [12]).    Further, contaminated irrigation water can lower crop yields and affect food security [13], particularly in agricultural communities.

Community displacement

Communities may be forced to relocate due to water pollution, especially if their water sources become unusable for consumption or growing the foodstuffs they need.  For example, saltwater intrusion is believed to be driving population migration in areas of Mexico and Bangladesh [14] while there is rising concern in island nations over water supply in the face of rising sea levels [15].

Social strain

Polluted water can, in effect, result in less safe-to-use water being available.   The resulting scarcity can worsen social tensions and inequalities within communities.   The issues can range from different parts of the community having different levels of access to safe and secure drinking water to competing priorities for the use of the water.   For example, industrial and agricultural users may be competing for the same water, or people in established suburbs with functioning water distribution systems may have better and/or cheaper access to potable water than people in informal settlements reliant on, say, bottled or untreated water [16].

What are the effects of water pollution on the environment?

There is a great deal of published material on the ecological effects of water pollution.   What follows is a high-level summary of some key issues.

Biodiversity Loss

Pollutants can be toxic to aquatic organisms, leading to reduced populations and biodiversity. Heavy metals, chemicals, and plastic debris can be particularly harmful.   Pollution can degrade habitats such as coral reefs, wetlands, and mangroves, which are crucial for many species’ survival.


Excess nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, can lead to algal blooms, which deplete oxygen in the water, causing dead zones where aquatic life cannot survive.   See here for more information.

Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification

The terms refer to the accumulation of pollutants in the food chain but mean different things.   “Bioaccumulation” refers to the accumulation of substances in a specific organism as it lives and feeds  in the environment.   “Biomagnification”, on the other hand, refers specifically to the increasing concentration of the substance in the organisms higher up the food chain as they eat organisms lower down the food chain [17].   A classic example of this is the biomagnification of DDT, an insecticide which started being used in the 1940s [18].   Several decades later, DDT was widely banned due to its toxic effects higher up the food chain.

The bioaccumulation and biomagnification of pollutants in the food chain can threaten the health of organisms in the food chain and may, ultimately, pose health threats to humans.

Altered Ecosystem Functioning

Pollution can alter the chemical composition of water, affecting processes such as nutrient cycling and energy flow within ecosystems or simply killing the aquatic life (e.g. a Romanian tailings pond collapse is thought to have killed 1200 tonnes of fish).   These ecological effects can arise from both short-term (i.e. “acute toxicity”) or long-term (i.e. “chronic toxicity) presence of the pollutants [19].   However, lack of knowledge may make it difficult to connect the observed effects on the ecosystem to a specific pollutant.

Pollution can also degrade the quality of the aquatic ecosystem to the point that it is no longer safe to consume products such as fish  (e.g. the methylmercury contamination issue in Grassy Narrows, Canada [20]) and such pollution may last for decades.

What can be done to reduce water pollution?

The options for dealing with pollutions can be loosely grouped into measures aimed at preventing pollution in the first place and measures intended to address pollution once it is in the water.   Some measures may work to both prevent the pollution and also reduce existing contamination.

Preventive Measures

Proper waste disposal

Proper recycling and proper disposal of waste will prevent litter and pollutants from entering water bodies.   This can be done through programs to manage solid and hazardous waste to prevent it from entering waterways.   Implementing policies to support recycling programs, promote activities such as composting, and the provision of disposal facilities for hazardous materials will all help.

Pollution-aware agricultural practices

Implementing sustainable farming practices such as crop rotation, reduced use of pesticides and fertilizers, and the use of organic alternatives can reduce the amount of contaminants which can be washed off the land into water bodies.   Further, using “buffer strips” along waterways will help to absorb excess nutrients and reduce runoff.   Helping local farmers to adopt sustainable agricultural practices can reduce soil erosion, runoff, and chemical use.   Such practices include cover cropping and crop rotation.

Stormwater management

Implementing green infrastructure measures such as rain gardens, permeable pavements, retention ponds, green roofs and vegetated swales will help capture and filter urban stormwater runoff before it enters waterways.

Industrial Regulations which are monitored and enforced

Effective regulations on industrial discharges can provide guidance and minimum requirements to ensure that factories and plants treat wastewater before releasing it into the environment.  However, those subject to such regulations need regular monitoring to enforce compliance with the specified environmental standards.

Remediation Measures

Once the contaminants are in or on the water, the focus needs to turn to remediation.   Sometimes, however, the remediation implemented is simply dilution in which the concentration of a pollutant is lowered to levels which are no longer considered to be a concern or can be addressed through natural processes (e.g. Victoria, BC, sewage treatment until 2020 [21]).   This is the source of the saying “The solution to pollution is dilution”.   

However, this approach does not always solve the problem.   In some cases, especially in the case of non-soluble pollutants, the “dilution” may simply move the pollutant downstream which may negatively affect or cause concern among downstream users.   In other cases, the “safe level” of the contaminant is unknown or a matter of disagreement.   Lead, for example, in the United States is now considered to have no safe level in drinking water [22].   However, Canada permits a low level of lead in drinking water [23].   Further, as technology and science has advanced, there is a growing awareness of the potential negative effects of chemicals.   These “Contaminants Of Emerging Concern” typically have not yet been sufficiently studied for a clear understanding of their effects and risk thresholds [24].   Thus, the effects of “dilution” are not well understood, and the approach may not be as effective as hoped.

Wastewater treatment

Treatment plants can remove a wide range of pollutants, including chemicals, heavy metals, and pathogens.   However, they require significant resources (finance, scientific knowledge, operating skills, personnel) to build, operate and maintain.   Not all communities, especially smaller communities, are able to find or dedicate the necessary resources.   The lack of resources is a widespread problem: on a global level, 3.4 billion people “lacked safely managed sanitation services” in 2022 [25].   Here in Canada, an estimated 219 million cubic metres of municipal wastewater was released with no treatment in 2020 [26].

Community cleanup

Photograph of Lagos lagoon with surface covered in plastic waste
Pollution in Lagos. Source: Instinct Business Magazine.

Communities can work to reduce pollution by organising regular clean-up events along rivers, streams, beaches, and other water bodies to remove litter and debris and prevent them from entering the water.   This type of activity also helps to raise awareness of the effects of water pollution and may encourage lower household pollution.

Restoring or creating natural clean-up areas

Drawing of "Hard Engineering" (i.e. catchment basin, stormwater pipe) versus "Soft Engineering" (plants)
"Hard" vs "Soft" engineering. Source: ”University of Arkansas Community Design Center.

Restoring natural wetlands or creating new wetlands (e.g. Lost Lagoon wetland in Vancouver [27]), especially in urban areas, takes advantage of their natural filtration capabilities.  Such areas also provide other ecosystem services [28] such as habitat for wildlife and green spaces which can enhance the “livability” of the urban environment for both the community and other species.   Similarly, other green infrastructure such as bioswales or rain gardens can help mitigate urban pollutants [29].

Educational and Policy Measures

As with many other human-caused issues, there are the usual social measures which can be implemented.

Public education and community involvement

Public awareness campaigns can be used to educate residents about the sources and effects of water pollution and ways to prevent it.   At the school level, environmental education programs can teach children about the importance of water quality and pollution prevention.      Involving community members, local businesses, and other stakeholders in water management decisions and initiatives will lead to greater participation in solving problems.   Similarly, encouraging citizen science projects where community members can monitor local water quality and report pollution incidents will help

Policy and legislation

Policies and regulations aimed at protecting water quality, such as limits on pollutant discharges and penalties for violations can be developed.   Their effectiveness is likely to depend on how ambitious the targets are and how effectively the policies and regulations are enforced.   It may be possible to provide incentives for businesses and individuals to adopt pollution-reducing practices.

Integrating water management into urban planning to ensure that new developments include sustainable water use and pollution prevention measures will also help.  


As we said at the beginning, there is a lot of material available on water pollution, its causes, and its effects.   Polluted water is a global problem whose importance growing because of:

  • Increasing global demand for freshwater (~1% per year);
  • Increasing development leading to more sources and types of contaminants;
  • Growing understanding of the health and economic effects of water contamination [30].  

Call to action

While there is much pollution that is out of our individual hands, it is important that we do what we can on an individual level to reduce the pollution that we individually may cause.  

We can also work with others to clean up existing pollution and support community efforts to push for stronger anti-pollution laws, regulation and enforcement.

Potential education approaches

Promote awareness

  1. Discuss sources of pollution in daily life (e.g. littering, using pesticides and herbicides).
  2. Explore ways to reduce one’s pollution footprint (e.g. use more sustainably produced products).
  3. Use educational games and apps that focus on water pollution and its effects to engage children in a fun and interactive way.
  4. Use recycled materials to create art projects that depict polluted vs. clean water environments, helping children visualize the difference.
  5. Hold discussions and debates on the causes and effects of water pollution, encouraging children to think critically and propose solutions.
  6. Show age-appropriate documentaries or videos that explain water pollution and its impact on the environment in an engaging way.
  7. Share or read age-appropriate stories or books that highlight the impact of water pollution on the environment and marine life.

Hands-On Experiments

  1. Conduct simple in-class experiments to show how pollutants affect water. For example, mix clean water with different substances like oil or dirt and observe the changes.  
  2. Create up a miniature wetland in the class and observe what happens to the plants if the water is polluted with various contaminants.

Field Trips

  1. Organize visits to local water treatment plants, lakes, or rivers where children can see the importance of clean water and the consequences of pollution.
  2. Participate in community clean-up activities at local water bodies, teaching children the value of taking direct action to reduce pollution.


  1. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 2024, Pollution.  https://www.britannica.com/science/pollution-environment.  Accessed 2024-06-03.
  2. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 2024, Water pollution.  https://www.britannica.com/science/water-pollution.  Accessed 2024-06-03.
  3. Khatri, N. and Tyagi, S., 2014, Influences of natural and anthropogenic factors on surface and groundwater quality in rural and urban areas.  https://doi.org/10.1080/21553769.2014.933716.  Accessed 2024-06-04.
  4. Kuzniewski, S., 2023, What is point source pollution?  https://www.wwdmag.com/what-is-articles/article/33010576/what-is-point-source-pollution.  Accessed 2024-06-04.
  5. Government of Canada, 2023, Releases of harmful substances to water.  https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/releases-harmful-substances-water.html.  Accessed 2024-06-04.
  6. Fuller, R, Landrigan, P.J, et al, 2022, Pollution and health: a progress update.  https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(22)00090-0/fulltext.  Accessed 2024-06-04.
  7. UNICEF, 2024, Progress on Household Drinking Water, Sanitation And Hygiene 2000-2022.  https://www.unicef.org/wca/media/9161/file/jmp-2023-wash-households-launch-version.pdf.  Accessed 2024-06-04.
  8. Alberta Health Services, 2024, Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) advisory issued for Skeleton Lake.  https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/news/Page18261.aspx.  Accessed 2024-06-04.
  9. United Nations, 2023, The United Nations World Water Development Report 2023: Partnerships and Cooperation for Water.  https://www.unesco.org/reports/wwdr/2023/en/home.  Accessed 2024-06-25.
  10. Olufadewa, I, Adesina, M and Ayorinde, T., 2021, Global health in low-income and middle-income countries: a framework for action.  https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(21)00143-1.  Accessed 2024-06-25.
  11. Mittempergher, D, Raes L and Jain, A, 2022, The economic impact of marine plastic pollution in Antigua and Barbuda: Impacts on the fisheries and tourism sectors, and the benefits of reducing mismanaged waste.  https://www.iucn.org/sites/default/files/2023-01/plastic-waste-free-islands-caribbean-economic-assessments-3-compressed.pdf.  Accessed 2024-06-10.
  12. FAO, 2017, Water pollution from agriculture: a global review – Executive summary.  https://openknowledge.fao.org/items/313b740f-583e-43ba-a36c-5e8c66236ca9.  Accessed 2024-06-11.
  13. Thompson, L.A. and Darwish, W.S., 2019, Environmental Chemical Contaminants in Food: Review of a Global Problem.
  14. Xu, L and Famiglietti, J, 2023, People move where water flows: global patterns of water-driven human migration.  https://www.globalwaterforum.org/2023/06/29/people-move-where-water-flows-global-patterns-of-water-driven-human-migration/.  Accessed 2024-06-11.
  15. United States Geological Survey, 2018, Many Low-Lying Atoll Islands Will Be Uninhabitable by Mid-21st Century.  https://www.usgs.gov/news/national-news-release/many-low-lying-atoll-islands-will-be-uninhabitable-mid-21st-century.  Accessed 2024-06-25.
  16. Calverley, C.M and Walther, S.C, 2022, Drought, water management, and social equity: Analyzing Cape Town, South Africa’s water crisis.  https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/water/articles/10.3389/frwa.2022.910149/full#h7.  Accessed 2024-06-18.
  17. ScienceStuck, n.d., Difference Between Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification.  https://sciencestruck.com/difference-between-bioaccumulation-biomagnification.  Accessed 2024-06-19.
  18. Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology, 2013, The Cautionary Tale of DDT – Biomagnification, Bioaccumulation, and Research Motivation.  https://sustainable-nano.com/2013/12/17/the-cautionary-tale-of-ddt-biomagnification-bioaccumulation-and-research-motivation/.  Accessed 2024-06-19.
  19. European Environment Agency, 2018, Chemicals in European waters: knowledge developments.  https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/chemicals-in-european-waters.  Accessed 2024-06-20.
  20. Mosa, A, and Duffin, J., 2017, The interwoven history of mercury poisoning in Ontario and Japan.  https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.160943.  Accessed 2024-06-20.
  21. CBC, 2021, Victoria no longer flushes raw sewage into ocean after area opens treatment plant.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/victoria-sewage-plant-1.5867582.  Accessed 2024-06-19.
  22. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2024, Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water.  https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water.  Accessed 2024-06-18.
  23. Government of Canada, 2016, Water Talk – Lead in drinking water.  https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/environmental-workplace-health/reports-publications/water-quality/water-talk-minimizing-exposure-lead-drinking-water-distribution-systems.html.  Accessed 2024-06-18.
  24. United States Geological Survey, 2019, Emerging Contaminants.  https://www.usgs.gov/mission-areas/water-resources/science/emerging-contaminants.   Accessed 2024-06-18.
  25. United Nations Children’s Fund, 2023, Progress on household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2000–2022: special focus on gender.  https://data.unicef.org/resources/jmp-report-2023/.  Accessed 2024-06-19.
  26. Statistics Canada, 2023, Municipal wastewater treatment.  https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/municipal-wastewater-treatment.html.  Accessed 2024-06-19.
  27. Kerr Wood Leidl, n.d., Stanley Park Stormwater Treatment Wetland.  https://www.kwl.ca/project/stanley-park-stormwater-treatment-wetland/.  Accessed 2024-06-19.
  28. UN Environment Program, n.d., Ecosystem services.  https://www.cbd.int/undb/media/factsheets/undb-factsheet-ecoserv-en.pdf.  Accessed 2024-06-19.
  29. Cossin, A,, 2024, What is a bioswale?  https://www.stormwater.com/stormwater-management/sewers-drainage-systems/article/55019691/what-is-a-bioswale.  Accessed 2024-06-19.
  30. United Nations, 2024, World Water Development Report 2024: Water for Prosperity and Peace.  https://www.unesco.org/reports/wwdr/en/2024/download?hub=2.  Accessed 2024-06-25.

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Photograph of WaterPortal Board Member Ross Douglas

Ross Douglas

Board Member

Ross has extensive executive experience in Operations, Governance, Information Technology and Strategy at the board and senior management level including Mancal Corporation, Mancal Energy, Highridge Exploration and Atlantis Resources. He has worked in Oil and Gas, Coal, Commercial Real Estate, Portfolio Management, Recreation, Retail and Water and Wastewater Treatment. His experience is also geographically diverse having overseen operations in Canada, the United States, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Additionally, he has been on the board of companies with operations in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Kazakhstan, and Russia. He has served on numerous Public, Private and Not for Profit Boards across a number of industries.

Ross has been active on several industry Boards and committees including the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and The Schulich School of Engineering Industry Advisory Council at the Schulich School of Engineering.

Photograph of WaterPortal Board Member Brian Mergelas

Brian Mergelas, PhD, ICD.D

Board Member

Brian is a seasoned Cleantech entrepreneur with a proven history of successfully bringing complex water technologies to the market.   With over 25 years of experience, he has led various organizations to achieve significant milestones in the industry. 

Having started as the founding CEO of the Pressure Pipe Inspection Company (PPIC) and later taking the helm at the Water Technology Acceleration Project (WaterTAP), Brian’s entrepreneurial spirit has been instrumental in driving innovation and growth within the sector. 

He is an active investor in the cleantech sector and has served on many boards including the Ontario Clean Water Agency. 

Actively engaged in industry associations like AWWA, WEF, IWA, and ASCE, Brian enjoys collaborating with fellow professionals to promote advancements in the field. 

Brian holds an undergraduate degree and a PhD in Physics from Queen’s University, which has provided him with a solid technical foundation.   As a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors, he brings valuable insights to corporate governance.