Habitat Fragmentation

Project Sponsors

This project was made possible by the very generous support of an anonymous donor and

Project Supporters

Pulling together a project of this size takes a lot of work. The help of Jayme Nelson, Katherine Hill and Kathryn Wagner from Inside Education was invaluable. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!

Project Team

AC Atienza, Brendan Bate, Shannon Smithwick, Steff Stephansson, Kaleigh Watson, Andrew Wilson.

Photograph of a copse of trees surrounded by logged land and logging debris
Logging. Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash


To fragment means to separate or break apart [1]. Therefore, habitat fragmentation is the interruption of ecological habitats, involving a change and sometimes a loss of habitat [2]. Habitat fragmentation often occurs when habitats become disconnected because of destruction, either naturally or by human activity [3].

Habitat fragmentation threatens the interconnection of water, communities, and ecosystems. When ecological isolation occurs, and naturally undisturbed areas are exposed to human activities, the fragmented areas change, sometimes losing their ability to support organisms [4]. When a species relies on specific environmental conditions, and habitat fragmentation traps them in a smaller, less suitable habitat, they are at risk of genetic isolation and extinction [5].

Drawing showing the relative species diversity of unfragmented (high) and fragmented (low) habitats
Effects of habitat fragmentation. Source: Blooming Boulevards.

Familiar examples of habitat fragmentation

Photograph of a logged forest with logged trees lying on the ground.
Deforestation. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Imagine you lived in a large neighbourhood that had everything you needed nearby, your friends and family, grocery stores, and your school or work. Now, imagine that new roads and buildings were built right in the middle of your access to essential resources, leaving your community divided into smaller regions. This would make it harder for you to live your daily life, needing to learn new routes and take more time to get places. This breaking apart of your community is fragmentation, and this similar process breaks up ecosystems.

This division can impact the wildlife living in these areas and have the following impacts:

  • Restricting Movement and Resource Reduction
    Just like how the roads and buildings limit your ability to move around, fragmentation restricts the movement of wildlife. Animals can face dangers of difficulty in finding food, mates, and homes.
  • Increased Vulnerability
    When people or animals are separated from their communities, and in a new environment, they become more vulnerable to diseases and predators.
  • Genetic Impacts
    Less interaction and mixing of populations reduce the variety and benefits that species would normally be exposed to.

Common causes of habitat fragmentation

Habitat fragmentation in the last century is primarily caused by human activities, but natural events can also cause habitat destruction.

Examples of human-induced habitat fragmentation:

  • Clearing land for natural resource extraction or for wood products
    • Click here or on the link to the right if you would like to learn more about deforestation.
  • Clearing land to create space for agricultural land
  • Clearing land for infrastructure such as roads, train tracks
  • Building on land for urbanization and creating communities [6]
  • Bottom Trawling (a fishing practice involving towing a net along the ocean floor) in aquatic habitats for human food sources [7]
  • Establishing dams

Examples of environmental-induced habitat fragmentation:

  • Volcanic eruptions
  • Wildfires
  • Tornados
  • Tsunamis [8]
  • Floods

Anthropogenic (i.e. human caused) influences and natural events disrupting the integrity of habitats leads to ecological and biological consequences. Understanding the origins of habitat fragmentation is essential for developing strategies that mitigate its impacts and preserve biodiversity.

Dams and habitat fragmentation

In 1950, there were around 5,000 dams across the world, in 2020 there were 58,7158 in 167 countries, occupying over 300 km2 [9]. In Canada, there are over 15,000 dams, and 1,157 are considered “large” by the ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams) definition and are owned by the federal and provincial governments, municipalities, electric utility companies, irrigation districts, and individuals [10]. It is estimated that 48% of all dams worldwide have reduced river connectivity, demonstrating the massive scale of fragmentation occurring across the world [11]. Dams in Canada and across the world are used for many different purposes, including electricity generation, and irrigation. However, dams interrupt waterways, which can impact aquatic species, interrupt migration routes, isolate spawning grounds, and favour species that can quickly adapt to the new habitat caused by the dam [12].

Indigenous resistance to dams in Canada

Photograph of people protesting against dam construction.
Protestors against dams. Source: APTN News.
Dams not only fragment plant and animal habitats but also pose threats to human communities. Often when a new dam is proposed in Canada, locals express their concerns. For many Indigenous Peoples in Canada, the presence of dams on or near their territory causes significant threats to their lifestyle. There are a variety of reasons why a local community may be resistant to the implementation or existence of a local dam. Here are a few based on recent events with Indigenous communities in Canada:
  • Continued high cost of energy despite local hydropower generation [13]
  • Local contamination risk [14]
  • Risk of flooding sacred and culturally important lands [15]
  • Concerns over ongoing colonial presence on Indigenous land [16]
  • Alteration of local ecology, impacting diets, and the food chain [17]

Floods and habitat fragmentation

Increases in flood risks due to changes in land use and water cycles suggest that floods will become more frequent and severe [18]

Floods can impact ecosystems by changing where water flows or how it moves, separating habitats, eroding soil, depositing sediments, and destroying vegetation. When floods change ecosystems, they prompt changes in land use, which can further fragment habitats through isolating species, increasing extinction risk.

Floods are the most common natural hazard in Canada and usually result from heavy rainfall or ice jams although there are other causes of flooding (e.g. storm surge). Flood management and preparation should consider hydrological and ecological dynamics to enhance resilience in flood-prone areas. This link provides flood resource preparation for Canadians [19].

The "Edge Effect" of habitat fragmentation

Drawing of a woodland split by an open corridor and indicating the edge effects into the woodlands
Edge effects. Source: USDA Conservation Buffers.

The ‘edge effect’ caused by habitat fragmentation demonstrates how the edges of a habitat can vary greatly from the interior. For example, the sunlight, plants, and food sources are different between the interior and edges of habitats.  Edge creation can be both positive and negative. For example, browsing wildlife like deer and moose benefit from new growth woody plants. On the negative side, new habitation creates opportunity for rapid growth new species of plants which may be undesirable. Once fragmentation occurs, more edge areas are created, and thus the organisms are faced with altered habitat conditions [20]

Edge creation can be both positive and negative. For example, browsing wildlife such as deer and moose benefit from new growth woody plants. On the negative side, new habitation creates opportunity for rapid growth of new species of plants which may be undesirable.

Water-related habitat fragmentation in Canada

In Canada, habitat fragmentation most commonly occurs because of urban and infrastructure development. Here are some examples highlighting events and projects that have caused water-related habitat fragmentation.


The basis of life in the Arctic is sea ice, and as the climate changes ice is melting, habitats are shrinking and moving [21]. This type of fragmentation is unique from other examples since it occurs not because of direct development in a specific area, it is induced through the burning of fossil fuels throughout the last century [22] and other factors such as naturally occurring climate cycles (El Niño, La Niña), volcanic eruptions, tectonic plate movement and global deforestation.

Alberta oil sands development

For oil and bitumen (oil sands) to be extracted from the ground, forests need to be cleared, destroying some of the densest habitats on the planet. As you will learn on the ‘forests‘ page, forests play an integral role in the water cycle and further impact larger weather systems.

Hydroelectric dams in British Columbia

Hydroelectric power involves implementing large dams in waterways to control the flow of water. In British Columbia, hydroelectric dams can block the migration routes of aquatic species, particularly impacting salmon, which are crucial to the livelihoods of Indigenous communities, and the local ecosystem. Dams are important for the energy transition away from reliance on fossil fuels, but they impact the flow, sediment transport, and water temperatures of the water systems they exist in [23]. For example, when sediment cannot continually flow with water through a dam, there becomes build-up of sediment upstream, and a sediment deficiency downstream  [24]. Furthermore, the removal of riparian vegetation previously providing shade to the water source can impact temperatures, and the discharged water from the dam can be warmer, which impact species and habitats downstream [25].

Photograph of the WAC Bennett dam looking over the dam wall at the electricity substation at the base of the wall
WAC Bennett Dam. Source: Top 20 Largest Dams in The World.

The St. Lawrence Seaway

Photograph looking down on a ship passing through one of the St Lawrence Seaway locks
A St Lawrence Seaway Lock. Source: Wärtsilä.

Connecting the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes is the St. Lawrence Seaway, a series of locks and channels that has brought significant ecological changes including introducing invasive species and altering natural water flow [26].

Agricultural drainage in the Prairie provinces

Photograph of an irrigation ditch between fields
Irrigation ditch. Photo by Daniel Herron on Unsplash

Agricultural expansion in Saskatchewan and Manitoba has led to the draining of wetlands, reducing the area and increasing the distance between wetland habitats, resulting in habitat fragmentation. Losing the ecosystem services offered by wetlands such as housing biodiversity, flood mitigation, and water purification, impacts the health of aquatic ecosystems [27].

Urban expansion in Southern Ontario

Development in the Greater Toronto Area has been encroaching on lakes and rivers, fragmenting riparian zones (vegetation between land and a river or stream). Urbanization also increases demand for water, surface runoff challenging natural drainage, and polluting local water chemistry. It also increases the demand for water and supporting infrastructure further challenging historical runoff and natural drainage. As Ontario’s population continues to grow by 31.5% (4.6 million) in the next 3 decades, ecological networks can expect to be further interrupted [28].

A daytime photograph of the urban sprawl of Tokyo.
Urban sprawl. Photo by Terence Starkey on Unsplash

The role of habitat fragmentation in water scarcity

Habitat fragmentation can impact water quantity and quality. The following list highlights some ways that habitat fragmentation contributes to water scarcity.

  • Lessened Transpiration:
    Large areas of vegetation, like forests, are important contributors to the water cycle through transpiration, where water is absorbed by roots and released by leaves into the atmosphere. When vegetated areas are reduced through habitat fragmentation, the local ecosystem can lose humidity and precipitation patterns can change.
  • Increase in Pollution
    The human activities that cause habitats to be fragmented can often introduce pesticides, fertilizers, and sediments into an ecosystem. This pollution impacts the quality of water, often making is less safe for drinking, agriculture, and other nearby species to use it.
  • Thermal Pollution
    The presence of riparian zones impacts water temperatures for example through providing shade [29]. When habitat fragmentation causes the removal or interruption of riparian zones, and temperatures change, it impacts water quality and aquatic life.
  • Compromised Wetlands
    Wetlands are natural water buffers, absorbing water during rainy periods and release during droughts. When habitat fragmentation compromises wetlands, the water quality is reduced.

Habitat Fragmentation's Role in Social Equity

“Social equity” is a concept which is difficult to define precisely and different people define it differently.  However, in this context and loosely speaking, social equity can be considered the “fair treatment of all peoples and communities” [30] or “the recognition and valuing of fair and just relations to promote collective wellbeing” [31].

Habitat fragmentation can impact social equity, affecting communities that may be economically or socially marginalized. Here’s how habitat fragmentation contributes to social inequities:

1. Access to Natural Resources

As mentioned, habitat fragmentation often leads to the deterioration of natural resources like clean water, fertile soil, and biodiversity. This can disproportionately affect communities that rely on these resources for their livelihoods, such as through fishing, farming, and gathering.

2. Cultural Impact

Communities often have a cultural tie to the locations they exist in and can have cultural practices involving natural landscapes and species [32]. Habitat fragmentation severs those connections, eroding cultures and diminishing cultural richness.

3. Displacement and Migration

When habitat fragmentation leads to severe environmental changes, communities can be forced to relocate. Low-income populations like coastal or deforested communities become further vulnerable and may be forced to migrate to urban areas, potentially increasing urban inequities.

How Can Communities Contribute to Reducing Water-Related Habitat Fragmentation Concerns?

Through engaging in sustainable practices and supporting conservation initiatives.  Here are some strategies communities can adopt.

1. Supporting Restoration Projects

Reconnecting isolated water systems, restoring riverbank vegetation, and implementing wildlife corridors can encourage natural ecological patterns that could have been interrupted through habitat fragmentation.

2. Advocating for Protective Legislation

Lobbying for thorough environmental assessments before implementing new development projects, supporting protected areas, and enforcing regulations in place to limit harmful agricultural and industrial practices. Engaging your community in public consultations, engagement and planning committees advocating for ecological connectivity helps shape urban growth that is conscious of the communities it impacts.

3. Supporting Sustainable Development Planning

Communities can influence local planning decisions to ensure that development is sustainable and minimizes environmental impact. Participating in public consultations, development reviews, and planning committees can help shape urban growth in ways that preserve natural habitats and maintain ecological connectivity.


Habitat fragmentation is a growing global concern as the human population increases and our societies develop and expand into new areas. The fragmentation generally has negative effects on the existing species, especially those species needing large untouched areas in which to live and roam. The fragmentation can also have negative effects on water supply and harm social equity. Often, habitats become fragmented for the benefit of human communities. Understanding the environmental positives and negatives, is important to make informed decisions to mitigate the impacts on aquatic ecosystems, water quality and quantity.

Call to Action

Implement Riparian Buffer Zones

Maintain vegetated buffer zones along waterways to help filter pollutants, stabilize stream banks, reduce erosion, and provide continuous habitat for wildlife, to reduce fragmentation.

Restore and Connect Fragmented Habitats

Engage in local habitat restoration projects to reconnect fragmented habitats, like restoring wetland areas, “daylighting” [33] streams and rivers (e.g. in Toronto [34]), and replanting native vegetation. Restoration improves ecological connectivity and resilience, facilitating wildlife movement and biodiversity.

Advocate for Policy Change

Lobby for local, regional, and national policies that protect water resources and limit activities that lead to habitat fragmentation, like urban development or pollution. Effective policies create legal protections for ecosystems and enforce actions preventing habitat fragmentation.

Participate in Citizen Science Projects

Get involved in projects monitoring water quality, wildlife presence, and habitat changes. Collecting this data can help identify areas at risk of fragmentation, track changes over time, and inform management decisions.

Discussion Questions

  • How does habitat fragmentation affect the water cycle in a forest ecosystem? Consider the roles of transpiration, soil moisture, and groundwater recharge.
  • Compare the effects of natural and human-induced habitat fragmentation on aquatic ecosystems. Which do you think has a more significant impact, and why?
  • Imagine you are an urban planner; how would you design a new development project to minimize habitat fragmentation and its effects on local water bodies?
  • Discuss the ethical responsibilities of communities and governments in preventing habitat fragmentation. Who should be primarily responsible for maintaining ecosystem integrity, and why?
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a real-world example where a community has taken steps to mitigate the effects of habitat fragmentation. What were the outcomes, and what could have been done differently?
  • How might scientists measure the impact of habitat fragmentation on a specific aquatic species? What types of data would they need to collect?
  • “All new infrastructure projects should be required to include an environmental impact assessment that specifically addresses habitat fragmentation.” Agree or disagree and provide reasons for your position.
  • Reflect on your local area’s ecosystem. Can you identify any signs of habitat fragmentation? What changes would you propose to help mitigate these effects?

Interactive Activities

1. Ecosystem Simulation Game

Create a role-playing simulation game where students manage their own ecosystems. They must make decisions regarding land use, water management, and species protection to keep their ecosystems healthy while balancing economic and social needs. The objective is to teach students about the complexities of ecosystem management and the consequences of habitat fragmentation.

2. Habitat Fragmentation Experiment

Use a large tray filled with mixed seeds (representing different species) and soil. Have students build barriers with cardboard to simulate roads, urban areas, and other forms of fragmentation. Observe how water flow (using a spray bottle) changes seed dispersal and soil erosion. This demonstrates how habitat fragmentation can affect plant distribution and water dynamics.

3. Debate on Land Management Policies

Organize a debate on different land management strategies and their potential impacts on habitat fragmentation and water resources. Topics could include the construction of wildlife corridors, urban green spaces, or the implementation of sustainable agriculture practices. This enhances critical thinking and public speaking skills while exploring practical solutions to habitat fragmentation.

4. Interactive Documentary Project

Have students create short documentaries or digital presentations on specific case studies related to habitat fragmentation. They could interview local experts, conduct field research, and use multimedia tools to present their findings. This encourages creative expression and in-depth research skills while educating peers about habitat fragmentation.

5. Restoration Workshop

Partner with local environmental organizations to participate in a habitat restoration project, such as planting native vegetation, removing invasive species, or cleaning up waterways. This provides hands-on experience with conservation efforts and illustrates the importance of active ecosystem management to counteract habitat fragmentation.

6. Site Visits

Find a local real-life example that can form the basis of how your class team would develop that project that incorporates concepts and experiences presented in this chapter. For example, the Ricardo Ranch Project in Calgary.


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