The Consequences of a Flood

The June 2013 flood has been heralded as one of the most expensive natural disasters in Canada’s history with insurable losses estimated to exceed $1.7 billion [1]. Economic impacts are not the only effect of flooding, and insurance does not cover all of those economic impacts. 

The impacts of flooding can be separated into direct and indirect damage categories [2]. Direct damages are caused by flood waters coming into contact with humans, property, and other objects. Indirect damages are induced by flood related events. 

The following section outlines the direct and indirect consequences of flooding, sorted into the categories of economic, social, and environmental. These are not all consequences exclusive to the June 2013 flood, some of which are not yet fully known, but instead uses many examples from previous flood events to provide examples of experienced impacts. 

What are the consequences of flooding?


  1. Jacqueline Nelson. (2014, January 20).  Canadian insurers made record payouts in 2013. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from
  2. B. Merz, , H. Kreibich, R. Schwarze & A. Thieken. (2010). Assessment of economic flood damage. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 10, 1697-1724. Retrieved from