Red Cross and Financial Impacts

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In response to the damage and destruction caused by the flood waters, the Canadian Red Cross raised more than $31 million for relief to those impacted by the natural disaster [1].  Red Cross used this money to distribute relief supplies, manage shelters, and support citizens using call centres and registration services. While immediate funds were used for relief efforts, future donations will be allocated to long-term recovery efforts that could take years. 

At present, actual costs of the flood remain uncertain. The Insurance Bureau of Canada recently released information showing Alberta’s floods the costliest natural disaster in Canadian history. Preliminary estimates by the Government of Alberta show approximately $6 billion in damage and reconstruction efforts [2]. Main costs to the province have been relocating citizens from flood zones, business support and property tax support. 

While costs of the flood continue to rise as the extent of damage is fully realized, the donations and aid provided from organizations like the Canadian Red Cross have proven extremely helpful. In the critical hours of the flood that left people displaced, services offered by a variety of aid organizations helped to ease tensions providing necessary and basic needs like food, clothing and shelter. 

For information on how to help Albertans and other Candians affected by natural disasters visit the Canadian Red Cross website. 


  1.  Ramsay, Melissa. “Red Cross says more than $31 million donated for flood relief in Alberta.” Global News Edmonton. Published August 28, 2103. Accessed November 8, 2013.
  2. Wood, James. “Province boosts cost of Alberta floods to $6 billion.” Calgary Herald. Published September 24, 2013. Accessed November 8, 2013.

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