Business Details
The RID operates, maintains and owns an irrigation works system that delivers irrigation water to 46,500 acres of irrigated land in the Welling, Raymond and Stirling areas within the Province of Alberta Canada. The district operates under the Irrigation Districts Act of the Province of Alberta. An elected board of directors meet at least monthly to discuss and approve the business of the district. The district has over 300 water-users which includes municipal, farm, acreage, and habitat. There is currently, no irrigation acres available for intensification or expansion within the RID. The district board is considering conducting a plebiscite vote which if passed could make more irrigation acres available. The district employs 6 full time employees and up to 3 seasonal. The RID has 81,000 acre feet of water licenses from a combination of the Waterton, Belly and St Mary’s rivers. The communities of Welling, Raymond and Stirling receive their water from the works of the RID. Through a water license amendment the RID makes water available for “other purposes” to interested municipal, industrial, environmental and agricultural users. The RID prides itself in being a very economic district to operate.
- Type:
- Water Experts
Raymond Irrigation District
Water Experts