Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel receives Canadian Project of the Year award
Water Canada “I’m so proud that this major drinking-water infrastructure project, which will help us keep delivering water even after earthquakes, is being celebrated,” said Mike Hurley, Chair of Metro […]
Compare and contrast: Millions of people across the US use well water, but very few test it often enough to make sure it’s safe
The Conversation – United States Multiple studies show that, at best, half of private well owners are testing with any frequency, and very few households test once or more yearly, […]
AFN national chief urges all parties to support First Nations clean drinking water legislation
CBC With over 30 long-standing boil water advisories still in place on First Nations across the country, the Assembly of First Nations is hoping all parties support legislation that would […]
Canada stresses ‘political’ nature of commitment to providing First Nations clean water
CBC Scott Farlinger, legal counsel with Justice Canada, told court on Tuesday that Canada “readily acknowledges” previous governments have underfunded water services for First Nations. But, in the current government’s […]
Compare and contrast: Water companies in England and Wales told to pay £158m penalty to customers
The Guardian The regulator, Ofwat, announced the penalties as part of its annual review of companies’ performance. The report showed that companies reduced sewage spills by just 2% between 2020 […]
Compare and contrast: Biden sets a 10-year deadline for US cities to replace lead pipes and make drinking water safer
The Canadian Press A decade after the Flint, Michigan, water crisis raised alarms about the continuing dangers of lead in tap water, President Joe Biden is setting a 10-year deadline […]
Water First internship is training the next generation of First Nation water operators
National Observer For many First Nations, securing a treatment plant is only one hurdle. Finding experienced operators is another. Click here to read the story.
Compare and contrast: Wastewater bacteria can breakdown plastic for food
Science Daily Comamonadacae is a family of bacteria often found growing on plastics in water. A new study finds a bacterium in this family can break down the plastic for […]
Sask. irrigation analysis finds economic benefit
The Western Producer Rehabilitating the Westside Irrigation Project at Lake Diefenbaker will boost gross domestic product by at least $5.9 billion over 50 years, according to the Saskatchewan government. It […]
Here’s how to remove some persistent pollutants from your drinking water at home
The Conversation – Canada The most effective way to treat drinking water is to modernize treatment plants to eliminate PFAS, thereby guaranteeing safe drinking water for everyone, whatever their socio-economic […]