My Everyday Water Decisions Quiz

A quiz that looks at your every day water decisions has been designed to highlight the individual and cumulative impacts that our everyday choices can have on water quantity and quality, by taking users through a series of routine decisions and giving them an overall water stewardship score. By completing the Quiz, you will have a chance to understand how their daily activities can impact water quality and quantity, and learn about opportunities to reduce these water impacts.

My Everyday Water Decisions

In a typical day, how often do you think about water? From showering to eating lunch, and getting around town, nearly everything we do impacts the water around us and around the globe. The My Everyday Water Decisions Quiz explores the relationship between water and our everyday lives. Awareness of water consumption patterns, can inform thoughtful use of water resources.

Answer each question based on your personal daily habits, and be prepared to reconsider some of your habits!

1 / 10

1. Do you have a low flow toilet? If you don't know or are unsure, select "No”

2 / 10

2. When you shower, do you…?

3 / 10

3. In an average week, how often do you consume bottled water (assume 500mL bottles)?


4 / 10

4. Do you have a rain barrel, bio swale, rain garden, or any other Low Impact Development (LID) on your property?

5 / 10

5. How would you water your lawn or garden, assuming there was no rain that week?

Diets are culturally relative and regionally informed, reflecting traditions, environments, and resources of different communities. Understanding and respecting different diets meanwhile striving for sustainable lifestyles is key to promoting balance between culture and the environment.

6 / 10

6. How often do you eat meat?

Household leaks can come from a variety of sources. Be sure to check your faucets (including bathtubs/showers), water heater, and toilets.

7 / 10

7. How often do you (or your landlord/the homeowners) check your household plumbing (toilets, faucets, piping) for leaks?

8 / 10

8. How do you wash your dishes?

9 / 10

9. What are your driving habits?

Typical household waste can include old medicine (e.g. off the shelf, prescriptions), floss, and sanitary products (e.g. tampons, wet wipes, napkins).

10 / 10

10. How do you dispose of common household wastes?

Your score is

The average score is 29%


To accompany the Quiz, a technical report has been completed to explore the purpose behind each question in the Quiz, explain how their inputs are translated into a final water stewardship score, and highlight key opportunities for users to reduce their water impact.

Taking the Quiz and reading the accompanying report are great first steps to learn more about our water impacts, but these are only a starting point! There are many online resources available where you can learn more about water stewardship and water in general. There are also communities and organizations you can join online and in person to learn more, share the message, and take positive actions to improve our water resources. With the Quiz as inspiration, we encourage you to seek out ways to become a better water steward.

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