Follow the Drop – Snow

follow the drop, snow


Fun Fact

Snow in the mountains: The Rocky Mountain headwaters are like water towers, storing water over winter and then releasing it as the temperatures rise later in the year1.


Contaminants: A substance that, in a sufficient concentration, will cause adverse effects to water, land, fish, or other things potentially rendering it unusable.

follow the drop, snow

Where next?

With these options in mind, you have big decision to make!  Do you want to remain where you are in the beautiful Rocky Mountains as a glacier or as groundwater, or do you want to join the swift moving currents and become part of the upper reaches of the Bow River?

References and Further Reading

  1. McGill University. (2017, April 4). Melting snow contains a toxic cocktail of pollutants: Air pollution from cars affected by freezing temperatures and snow. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 19, 2020 from