Follow the Drop – Middle Bow River

follow the drop, Middle Bow River

Middle Bow River

Fun Fact

Upper reaches of the river: Many tributary streams and rivers join the Bow River along its length and contribute more water. The Jumpingpound River, Nose Creek, Fish Creek, Elbow River, the Highwood River are some of the main tributaries. This contribution leads to higher water quality due to dilution.

follow the drop, Middle Bow River


Runoff: The part of precipitation that does not evaporate and is not transpired, but flows through the ground or over the ground surface and returns to bodies of water.

Where next?

As you continue your downstream journey, your next options for movement include checking out one of the many industrial operations along the Bow, joining an irrigation district that supplies water for agricultural use, or you can be used to cool a generation engine at an electric power generation plant.