Alberta Groundwater Resources

Groundwater is an integral part of the hydrological cycle [1] and contributes to stream flows and lake levels. It is also an important drinking-water supply for over 600,000 Albertans. The […]

Flood Mitigation: Soft Engineering

Flood External Resources Presentations and Minutes from the BRBC Quarterly Forum on Flood Mitigation South Saskatchewan River Basin Snow Data What is soft engineering? Traditionally, shore stabilizations have been constructed […]

Drought in the 21st Century

Timeline of Alberta's 21st Century droughts superimposed on an arrow pointing into the unknown future.

Drought One of Canada’s Costliest Natural Disasters Drought once again affected Alberta in the early 21st century. Starting in 1999, and lasting until 2004 the drought during this period was […]

Economic Impacts of Flooding

Flood Flooding is Canada’s most costly type of natural disaster [1]. Flooding is responsible for extreme damage and destruction to property, public areas, and the environment which incurs enormous costs for […]

Environmental Impacts of Flooding

Flood Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash Flooding has both positive and negative consequences. On the negative side, flood water usually contains debris and pollutants. Debris can include trees and […]

Dams and Reservoirs in Alberta

There are numerous reservoirs and dams in Alberta. Explore some of these reservoirs in the following storymap. Sources TransAlta. (2012) Barrier. Retrieved from TransAlta. (2015). Belly River. Retrieved from […]

Environmental Impacts of Drought

Drought The environment is directly impacted by drought. Drought can affect water sources, land, fish and wildlife and plant communities. The extent of the effects depends on the type, severity […]

Agriculture in Alberta

Diversity of Landscapes in Alberta Alberta has one of the world’s most productive agricultural economies.  In 2020, Alberta farms reported $22.2 billion in revenue which was more than any other […]