Timeline of Events: Turner Valley Region

Flood Heavy rain that impacted much of southern Alberta in mid-June contributed to high water levels in rivers such as the Sheep River that passes through the town of Turner […]

Timeline of Events: Siksika and First Nations

Flood Siksika and First Nations, AB during the 2013 flood. Southern Alberta’s June 2013 floods had a large impact on First Nations communities across Southern Alberta. Among the hardest hit […]

Timeline of Events: High River

Flood High River, AB during the 2013 flood. Among the hardest hit areas of the flood was High River, a small rural Alberta town just south of Calgary. On June […]

Timeline of Events: Calgary

Flood Calgary, AB during the 2013 flood Not long after flood waters heavily impacted Canmore, the City of Calgary declared a state of local emergency on June 20, 2013. Shortly […]

Timeline of Events: Canmore

Flood Canmore, AB during the 2013 flood. Between June 19th and June 21st, Canmore was inundated by heavy rainfall due to three low pressure weather systems colliding over the town […]

Groundwater Age, Trends and Yield

Groundwater can be either very young, representing recent recharge to the subsurface, or it can exist as very old water that has been interacting with the rock and sediments that […]

Groundwater Use and Recharge

How is our Groundwater Allocated and Used? Groundwater Allocations In our province, roughly 308.3 million cubic metres of groundwater is licensed for use to support various activities on the landscape. […]

Tips for conserving water

Conserve: Holding back, for water’s sake Did you know wasting water is also a waste of energy and resources? Wasting water is also a waste of energy and resources. Why […]

Emergency Preparedness

Floods are the most frequent natural disaster in Canada and although we often associate flooding with warm weather, flood can happen at any time of the year. Heavy rainfall, rapid […]

Advisories and Warnings

Whether you’re heading outside for a few hours or setting off on a five day excursion, it’s important to be prepared. Being prepared starts with planning ahead and that first […]