
What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What is it?  Stormwater is commonly understood as runoff, from rainfall or snowmelt events, that flows over […]


What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What are they?  A wetland is a type of ecosystem that has both aquatic and terrestrial properties. […]

Outdoor Recreation

What’s in Your Water?   What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What is it?  Outdoor recreational activities include boating, camping, fishing, hiking, biking, off-highway vehicle use, horseback […]

Ice Jams: frazil ice, freeze up, and floods

Flood What are ice jams? As temperatures drop and river levels decrease, the yearly phenomenon of river “freeze up” begins to take place all over Alberta. The formation of ice […]

Flood Mitigation: Flood and Compensate

Flood External Resources Presentations and Minutes from the BRBC Quarterly Forum on Flood Mitigation South Saskatchewan River Basin Snow Data What is ‘Flood and Compensate’? In recent years, unprecedented flood […]

What is Snowmelt?

What is Snowmelt? As air temperatures rise in the spring, snowpack begins to melt. The water that becomes runoff into streams or recharge into soil is called snowmelt (Figure 1). […]

What is Snowpack?

What is Snowpack? Snow is a part of the hydrologic cycle; it is frozen water. Snowpack is the snow that falls onto the ground and does not melt until temperatures […]

Groundwater in Alberta

How much groundwater is there in Alberta? It is estimated that there is approximately 40,000 km3 of groundwater in Alberta. This amount is equivalent to almost twice the water found […]

Concerns with Groundwater Quality and Quantity

In general, groundwater is not used as extensively as surface water [1]. This is primarily due to the lack of understanding and knowledge of groundwater. In addition, there are two […]