
What’s in Your Water? Water Quality Substances Influences Concerns & Misconceptions Also known as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, weed killer, crop protection products.  What are they? Pesticides are chemicals or biological […]


What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Substances Influences Concerns & Misconceptions Also known as microbial contaminants, microbes, pathogens, water-borne illness, fecal coliforms.  What are they? Microorganisms are microscopic […]

Heavy Metals

What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Substances Influences Concerns & Misconceptions Also known as trace elements,and toxic metals.  What are they? Heavy metals are metallic elements and metalloids […]


What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What are they? Wildfires are fires, started by natural causes or human activities, that burn large areas […]

Forest Management

What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What is it? Natural Resources Canada defines sustainable forest management as a way of using and caring for […]


What is it? Irrigation is the method in which a controlled amount of water is supplied to plants at regular intervals for agriculture. It is used to assist in the […]

Wastewater Treatment Plants

What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What are they? Wastewater treatment plants convert effluent (water that has been used for some industrial or […]

Water Treatment Plants

What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What are they? Water treatment is a process that alters the chemical and/or physical properties of source […]


What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What is it? Agriculture is the practice of cultivating soil, producing crops and raising livestock. We are […]


What’s in Your Water? What’s in Your Water? Influences Substances Concerns & Misconceptions What is it?  Industry is a general term for the collection of businesses that manufacture, produce, or […]