
Menu Project Sponsors This project was made possible by the very generous support of an anonymous donor and Project Supporters Pulling together a project of this size takes a lot […]

Water Licences,Transfers, and Allocation

Governance In order to use or divert ground or surface water in Alberta, the province requires you to obtain a licence, under the Alberta Water Act [1]. The following section […]

2021/2022 Model Update

There have been significant changes in the South Saskatchewan River basin (SSRB) since the publication of the Roadmap in 2016, these changes include irrigation district expansions, water infrastructure-related projects, and […]


The South Saskatchewan River Operating Model which runs on the OASIS platform from Hazen and Sawyer (OASIS:SSROM) is publicly available but access requires log-in credentials and the ability to use Microsoft’s Remote […]


Photo by Headway on Unsplash Openings How would you like to join a small team of dedicated people who care, deeply, about water and water’s role in the environment and […]


Infrastructure Water infrastructure ensures that our water is stored, delivered and managed properly. Water infrastructure refers to the basic physical structures needed to manage water. Water infrastructure includes dams and […]

After A Flood

Stay Safe: After A Flood Photo by Nationaal Archief on Unsplash The following content was prepared in the aftermath of the 2013 Southern Alberta Flood.   It has not been maintained […]


Flood Canada is no stranger to severe weather and Canadians are well acquainted with flood, drought, fire, hail, and snow. This section explores causes, impacts, and mitigation methods for severe […]


Glossary Our changing climate and its effect on our shared water resources is an increasingly popular topic of discussion in government, academia, businesses and households. Conversations about climate can be […]

Climate and Severe Weather

Climate and Climate Change This section explores a variety of topics relating to climate, with a focus on the relationship between water, weather and climate in Alberta. Climate conditions, including […]

Photograph of WaterPortal Board Member Ross Douglas

Ross Douglas

Board Member

Ross has extensive executive experience in Operations, Governance, Information Technology and Strategy at the board and senior management level including Mancal Corporation, Mancal Energy, Highridge Exploration and Atlantis Resources. He has worked in Oil and Gas, Coal, Commercial Real Estate, Portfolio Management, Recreation, Retail and Water and Wastewater Treatment. His experience is also geographically diverse having overseen operations in Canada, the United States, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Additionally, he has been on the board of companies with operations in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Kazakhstan, and Russia. He has served on numerous Public, Private and Not for Profit Boards across a number of industries.

Ross has been active on several industry Boards and committees including the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and The Schulich School of Engineering Industry Advisory Council at the Schulich School of Engineering.

Photograph of WaterPortal Board Member Brian Mergelas

Brian Mergelas, PhD, ICD.D

Board Member

Brian is a seasoned Cleantech entrepreneur with a proven history of successfully bringing complex water technologies to the market.   With over 25 years of experience, he has led various organizations to achieve significant milestones in the industry. 

Having started as the founding CEO of the Pressure Pipe Inspection Company (PPIC) and later taking the helm at the Water Technology Acceleration Project (WaterTAP), Brian’s entrepreneurial spirit has been instrumental in driving innovation and growth within the sector. 

He is an active investor in the cleantech sector and has served on many boards including the Ontario Clean Water Agency. 

Actively engaged in industry associations like AWWA, WEF, IWA, and ASCE, Brian enjoys collaborating with fellow professionals to promote advancements in the field. 

Brian holds an undergraduate degree and a PhD in Physics from Queen’s University, which has provided him with a solid technical foundation.   As a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors, he brings valuable insights to corporate governance.