Forest Hydrology
Water and Forests Evapotranspiration refers to a portion of the hydrologic cycle where water vapour enters the atmosphere. The primary process, evaporation, occurs when the sun heats oceans, rivers, lakes, […]
Drought in the 19th Century
Drought Figure 1: Drought in 19th Century Alberta Early Accounts of Drought in the 1700s Drought occurred in present-day Alberta throughout the 1700s. Drought became so extreme in the 1790s […]
What is Drought?
In the simplest terms, drought is the absence of water over an extended period of time. There are different ways drought can occur, and for this reason, there are four […]
Property Rights
Governance Private property Across Canada and in Alberta, there is no single definition of property rights and no single law that defines them. In general, however, property rights assure property […]
Flood Mitigation: Upgrading Existing Infrastructure
Flood External Resources Presentations and Minutes from the BRBC Quarterly Forum on Flood Mitigation South Saskatchewan River Basin Snow Data What is upgrading existing infrastructure? Washed-away bridge and culvert. Photo […]
Flood Mitigation: Wetlands
Flood External Resources Presentations and Minutes from the BRBC Quarterly Forum on Flood Mitigation South Saskatchewan River Basin Snow Data What is a wetland? Wetland. Photo by Luke Hodde on […]
Flood Mitigation: Understanding Storm Water Flooding
Flood External Resources Presentations and Minutes from the BRBC Quarterly Forum on Flood Mitigation South Saskatchewan River Basin Snow Data What is storm water flooding? Flooded underpass in Toronto, 2013. […]
Groundwater Introduction
Groundwater in our province exists either as a comparatively younger, non-saline source – designated as any water possessing a mineralization less than 4,000 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS) – or […]

Drought What is Drought? Canada is no stranger to severe weather. Canadians are well acquainted with flood, drought, fire, hail, and snow. This section explores causes, impacts, and mitigation methods […]
Water Sources

This section is dedicated to providing science-based research to answer: where does all that water come from? Earth is a closed system, meaning the amount of water on Earth will […]