WaterNEXT Technical Showcase Webinar


Water is inextricably linked to climate change. Water and wastewater treatment, distribution, and management are significant contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions, while floods, droughts, and storms as a result […]


Women Plus Water Conversations: Art-Climate Nexus (Online)


The fourth Women Plus Water 2025 Conversation will focus on the Art-Climate Nexus. Guests Dani Lindamood Program Director, Water Watchers Co-Founder of Girls Gone Water Project Dr. Andrew Denton Faculty, […]


Battle River and Sounding Creek Stewardship Community of Practice (Alberta)

BRWA Office Mirror Lake Centre, Bottom Floor, 5415 49 Ave, Camrose, AB, Canada

A gathering to celebrate the success stories of our watershed stewards, and to learn and help others with shared challenges. Agenda Welcome and Introduction to the Community of Practice State […]


Wetland Knowledge Exchange April 2025 Webinar


One such metric is the effect on the hydrologic dynamics. This research examines how seismic lines alter hydrology and soil properties, focusing on water table fluctuations, soil compaction, and snow accumulation. Measurements taken at two sites south of Fort McMurray show that seismic lines increase soil compaction, reduce water infiltration, and cause greater variability in water table levels. The effects of these changes depend on topography and the orientation of seismic lines.


CWRA 2025 National Conference

Penticton Trade and Convention Centre 273 Power St, Penticton, British Columbia, Canada

The theme for the Conference is “Living Between Waters – Connecting Water & Resilience”. The focus will be on collaborating across silos, respecting and upholding Indigenous rights; and the roles of municipalities, governments, and industry play in advancing resiliency.


Waterloo Wellington Children’s Groundwater Festival (Ontario)

Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum 150 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

A Celebration of Water Education Since its inception, the Groundwater Festival has been a cornerstone for teaching children about the vital role water plays in our ecosystem. The festival’s return […]

BRWA Annual General Meeting (Alberta)

BRWA Office Mirror Lake Centre, Bottom Floor, 5415 49 Ave, Camrose, AB, Canada

Save the date! The OTIS Awards will be presented following the business meeting.