Groundwater Age, Trends and Yield

Groundwater can be either very young, representing recent recharge to the subsurface, or it can exist as very old water that has been interacting with the rock and sediments that […]

Groundwater Use and Recharge

How is our Groundwater Allocated and Used? Groundwater Allocations In our province, roughly 308.3 million cubic metres of groundwater is licensed for use to support various activities on the landscape. […]

Alberta’s Water Balance and Inventory

Alberta’s Water Balance and Inventory According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term “balance” refers to: i) an equality between the totals of two sides of an equation, and ii) a […]

Groundwater Introduction

Groundwater in our province exists either as a comparatively younger, non-saline source – designated as any water possessing a mineralization less than 4,000 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS) – or […]