What About The Saline water?

In addition to the non-saline groundwater that lies beneath our province, there are significant amounts of saline water within the deeper bedrock formations. Saline water in Alberta is defined as […]

Alberta’s Water Balance and Inventory

What do we know about Groundwater Today? Water Balance According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term “balance” refers to: an equality between the totals of two sides of an equation […]

What is an Aquifer?

Although groundwater exists everywhere under the ground, some parts of the saturated zone contain more water than others. An aquifer is an underground formation or permeable rock or loose materials […]

What is Groundwater?

Water is an important resource for all Albertans. Much of our water comes from surface sources, like rivers and lakes, which are easily accessible. Some of our water, however, is […]

What is ‘Safe Groundwater Yield’?

Safe yield of a groundwater basin or aquifer system is defined as the amount of water that can be withdrawn from it without producing an undesired effect (Todd, 1959). Undesired […]

Where’s the “Good” Water?

Where’s the “Good” Water? In Alberta, non-saline water is defined under the current Water Act as any water that possesses a mineralization (as total dissolved solids content, or TDS, in […]

Water Availability

Download Hydrological Model of Alberta using SWAT Model. Part 1 (3 MB) Hydrological Model of Alberta using SWAT Model. Part 2(2 MB) The spatial and temporal variations of water resources […]

Water Footprint by Crop and Region

The water footprint of various crops was simulated with the GEPIC model. For wheat, there is a general trend that regions with high precipitation have lower water footprint. This can be […]

Groundwater Summary and Key Observations

The study’s research on groundwater resources has shed additional light on this important resource, and has resulted in a number of key observations: Groundwater currently support about 23% of the […]