Welcome to our new site!

If you arrived here expecting to see the Alberta WaterPortal site, you’re in the right place!

We’ve renamed ourselves to reflect our all-of-Canada visitors and so, as of late 2024, we are now the Canada WaterPortal.   As of January 1, 2025, our old albertawater.com was switched off and visitors to that site are being redirected to our new site.   We suggest you update your bookmarks or favourites to our new waterportal.ca address.

Amongst other changes, we have better site navigation, updated content, improved accessibility and new content.   We still offer our daily news clippings and free subscription-based weekly news round-up.

Welcome to our new site!

Water News

A free service that provides the latest information on water news across Canada.

The news is distributed weekly on Mondays via email and Monday to Friday via WaterPortal social media (X was Twitter). Please note that news will not be distributed on Holiday Mondays and will be released the following Tuesday.  

For daily water news on our website

For daily water news on X

For our weekly newsletter

Popular Pages

Uncover fascinating Insights on Flooding, Drought, and Water Governance in Canada


Drought is a “top-of-mind” topic in the Prairies today. Click the following buttons to learn about drought basics, mitigating harm caused by droughts, and learn from droughts from the past.

Cracked mudflat


Irrigation provides agricultural producers with a supply of water to supplement natural precipitation through the growing season supporting consistent crop growth and yields. 


Check out water related events, with opportunities for online and in-person participation.

Water Maps

Maps of water help visualize availability, and support water management. They guide urban development planning, agricultural and industry activities, as well as mitigating the impacts of droughts, floods, and climate change.

In Canada, there are a variety of sources publishing water maps across the provinces and territories. The following is a selection of map resources you can find online.

Overview map of freshwater in Canada

Recent Content Updates

New Blog Posts

The Bog is where thoughts, opinions, discussion pieces, and action converge. Influential thinkers from the water community are invited to share their insights on current or controversial water topics. Please note that the views expressed herein are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Canada WaterPortal.

About Us

We educate and inform Canadians on the value of water as a vital resource by providing objective information to enable better water practices for the  environmental, economic, and social benefit of all.